Friday, January 15, 2010


Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was a man known for different achievements. He lived a life of depression and victory. However, his courage and willingness to succeed never waivered. He was the leader of the anti-apartheid movements. After being falsely convicted sabotage as well as other crimes, he was sentenced to prison for 27 years. He remained optimistic and became the South African President from 1994-1999. Many would believe that these achievements alone would be enough for one life time but Nelson Mandela’s life is far greater than just that.

Nelson Mandela was born in Mvezo, which is a small village located just outside the district of Umtata. He was the Great Grandson of the man that ruled the Thembu people. However, because he was distant descendants to the ruler he never had the opportunity to succeed to the royal thrown. Mr. Mandela had a very interesting up bringing. His father had four wives, to which he fathered thirteen children. Nelson was the child of his third wife. He was originally given the name Rolihlahla which means “to pull a tree branch back” or more simply known as “trouble maker”. Mr. Mandela was the only of the thirteen children to attend school. His teacher changed his name from Rolihlahla to the American name Nelson. His Father died when Nelson was only nine. Over the next ten years Mr. Mandela attended many different private schools.Mandela thought very highly of education saying “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” He was known at his schools for being a great runner and boxer. Once his education was completed Mandela wasted no time becoming a great iconic figure in politics.

Nelson Mandela seems to thrive in the face of adversity. When the National party won the election in 1948 Mandela took his first stand. The party supported both the apartheid and racial segregation. He became a well-known leader in the 1952 ANC’s Defiance Campaign. After organizing many anti-violence sit-ins it became clear to Mandela that progress was not being made quickly enough. Mandela and one-hundred and fifty others were arrested on December 5th 1956, this was the first time he had been arrested. However, it wouldn’t be long until he would be arrested again.

On August 5th, 1962, Mandela was arrested. “During the whole of the fifties, Mandela was the victim of various forms of repression. He was banned, arrested and imprisoned.”[African National Congress, Profile of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela] He had been trying to escape the athorities for over a year and a half. He was origonally sentenced to just five years in prison. Nelson Mandela was held at Robben Island prison which is where he will remain for the next eighteen years. It was now that Mr. Mandela became the prominent leader that he is today. While in prison his fame grew and he quickly becasme a iconic figure for South Africans. Nelson was then moved to Pollsmore prison. It was sepculated that this was to stop the growing admeration of Mr. Nelson on the younger generation in south Africa. Mandela stayed in jail without his own protest knowing that it was for the good of South Africa saying, “What freedom am I being offered while the organisation of the people remains banned? Only free men can negotiate. A prisoner cannot enter into contracts”. Mandela was later moved to Victor Verster Prison which is where he will remain until his realease in February of 1990. “The era of the apartheid formally came to an end on the April 27, 1994, when Nelson Mandela voted for the first time in his life – along with his people.”[Nelson Mandela Foundation, Nelson Mandela Memory]

Mandela will go on to serve as the President of South Africa. He has been driven from the very start of his childhood. He knew that that there will be obsticals in his way, but his perservience will over come them. Saying, “After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb”. He is one of the most influential people in the world and his efforts of desegregation not only saved South Africa but influenced the rest of the world. “In the revolution led by Mandela to transform a model of racial division and oppression into an open democracy.” [Richard Lewis, Nelson Mandela] For this Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela will forever be known as one of the most influential people to ever walk the earth.

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